‘Dream Team’ not staying in Paris 2024 Olympic Village – they’ve booked hotels and spending up to €14 million

‘Dream Team’ not staying in Paris 2024 Olympic Village – they’ve booked hotels and spending up to €14 million

The USA basketball team has a team in the Olympics this year, which is rightfully called the “Dream Team”, and its treatment is very expensive.

More than 14,000 athletes are based in the Olympic Village, but there are no big stars of American basketball.

Since 1992, when the USA has sent NBA players to the Olympics, they have never been placed in the Olympic Village, and that is the case this time as well.

According to the information of the journalist of Forbes, Justin Birnbau, the basketball section has rented a hotel in the center of the city with a capacity of 800 rooms.

The US national teams for men and women are located in that hotel, where in addition to the players and professional staff, there are also the families of the athletes, as well as security, managers and representatives of the NBA league.

The entire luxury treatment costs around 14 million euros and in addition to the hotel, these expenses also include private plane flights.

As well as other things such as the transport of equipment and everything else necessary for the players in Paris 2024, where trumps include transport to training sessions, matches and everything else. /Football Match Up/

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